Kid Wolf

Another passion of Andy’s is rap music! He has released 3 albums and two music videos under the stage name Kid Wolf. He recently dropped his first full length solo album The Wolf Who Cried Wolf. Currently he is working on a project titled, Magic Trick Rap Show which is scheduled for July of 2024. Check out some of his music below!


Rap Reel

The Winner’s Circle(EP)

This release is actually just one song recorded as two different versions. Originally called the happy and sad versions, these songs explore the layered feelings of a breakup

The Wolf Who Cried Wolf

For his first full length album, Andy made a breakup album. It explores the arc of getting over a heartbreak and the thoughts that occur in the process. With influences from lo-fi, spoken word, pop, and more; this is Andy’s most versatile and well constructed project.

Hey Kid Wolf (EP)

This is Andy’s first EP album! He released it on the first day of classes at Carnegie Mellon. Hey Kid Wolf took him about five years to record. He recorded 20 songs for this but decided to only release his favorite 5. These are the winners! Available on all streaming platforms.


Merry Music, in the Meantime

Andy collaborated with 4 other incredible artists to make this holiday album. His idea was to make an album that encapsulated the entire vibe of the holidays, not just the Christmas part. This way his Jewish family could enjoy it just as much!


Music Videos



Birthday Oblivion (Lyric Video)

Hometown Blues

Cool Kids Pt. 1